"The quartz,
       from which ideas are!"

"The quartz,
       from which ideas are!"

"The quartz,
       from which ideas are!"

"The quartz,
       from which ideas are!"

WST Primers

Preparation of the substrate and priming are the basic requirements for a long-lasting floor.

As different as the requirements for the various systems are – the substrates to be coated can be just as different.

From cement screed to ceramic substrates to mastic asphalt screed or laying tiles – each project offers different requirements and must be thoroughly testes and prepared before the application of the top floor.

Primers must fulfil different purposes and we recommend using them for every application.

Their main purpose is to ensure an optimal bond between the floor covering and the substrate. They also function as binder for levelling layers or scratch coats or epoxy resin mortar, as a dust-binding layer or also against rearward moisture.

Depending on the substrate, not all requirements and tasks can be fulfilled by one product alone.

We are happy to assist you in selecting the right product for your needs.


Alexander Alfes
Vertriebsleiter / Prokurist


Phone:   0281 94403-10
Mobil:    0172 9966940
Fax:        0281 94403-33

Andreas Hüsken
Vertrieb / Außendienst


Phone:   0281 94403-20
Mobil:    0160 97220110
Fax:        0281 94403-33